Health Risks-Warm drinks?!
The temperature itself is what I'm looking at...
Answers: Is there any evidence of health risk from drinking warm drinks such as tea, coffee, hot cocoa, cider?
The temperature itself is what I'm looking at...
No, people have been drinking warm drinks for thousands of years. They're fine.
I would say no,as long as its not so hot that it burns your insides.
no, as long as your teeth aren't overly sensitive and you don't have weak tooth enamel.
If you do, they can cause discomfort and weaken the enamel (the same goes for very cold drinks)
no, you should actually be concerned about cold drinks. I actually think cold drinks do more harm than warm/hot drinks. Did you know that hot tea is the oldest beverage known to man? why on earth do you think there are health risks associated to warm drinks. That is so stupid.