Energy drinks will be the death of him!?!
Answers: Okay my husband drinks energy drinks and TONS OF THEM on a daqily basis.....the effects obviusly prove they can't be good for you. He herd guarana seed (witch is in them) may be bad for you? What does it do to you? Also when he pees its always a dark yellow but can be like a orangish redish color...I am SURE this is from energy drink...but what is it exactly thats doing it and why are energy drinks bad for you?
He needs to stop drinking them. If you drink one every..month or so..then no need to worry. But this tons of them on a daily basis? No. Make him stop. Now. Before things get worse.
Does his pee look like there's blood in it? I would take him to the doctor. You can Google guarana seed and read all about it.
Energy drinks are simply very bad for you,they mess around with your head and can produce many effects.
I myself am in love with energy drinks but try to avoid them as much as possible.
I suggest you tell your husband of yours to lay low.
It may cause very big effect if he keeps it up,it is extremly high on caffine and sugar he can end up in the hospital for to much of it.