Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper?!
If you haven't tried it - Are you going to?
Answers: If you have tried it - Was it different from what you expected, and/or did you like it?
If you haven't tried it - Are you going to?
I also don't like the idea of chocolate in a soda. Havn't tried and probably won't. The had a Pepsi out with chocolate or caramel in it. I saw it but never thought to buy it.
Haven't tried it & won't. Strong dislike for Dr. Pepper.
no, that sounds really nasty. chocalate in soda just sounds really bad.
Haven't tried it and never will try diet sodas. They're not good for you.
Um I don't think I'm into that stuff. Chocolate in soda just doesn't sound appetizing.
it doesnt sound very good, but i will try it
Dr. Pepper is gross!!