Is 3 liters of water a day too much to drink? i want my skin to look hydrated.?!
Answers: You need eight 8-oz glasses of water a day which is really only about 8 cups. That's about 2 liters. Don't go too far with the water as you can over-hydrate yourself. It's called hyponatremia or “water intoxication,” but you have to drink a lot of water in a short period of time to cause this. I find using a dry oil helps better to resolve dry skin issues during the winter and doesn't leave you feeling greasy like a normal oil or even a lotion would plus you skin glows. Neutrogena makes a good dry oil.
I saw 0n 20/20 they did a test on two twins who only drank water to keep their skin healthy, they were in their 20's. One could only drink water & the other no water at all. At the end of the experiment both twins had no difference with their skin when tested.
Talk to a dermatologist to see if the benefits r real. Water is good to drink because our bodies are mostly made of water, but i'm not sure about the skin.
um maybe you should get some lotion =)
careful with drinking TOO much water, it can be dangerous. if you want a lot of water, 12 8-oz glasses should be fine.
Yes it is you're only supposed to drink 1 liter a day.