Can you still get 'Sunny Delight'?!
Answers: My God that stuff was vile!
sunny D yes and its awesome fuel for kids, one once of that can keep them bouncing off the walls for 2 hours
yes you can
you can! and yes it was, sickly as hell
I agree with you it is vile!!! but I believe you can still get it~ if your looking, look at a place like Super Walmart they carry it!
yes, pure sugar.
big ol jug for 98 cents. and there is a reason for that low price. it is still vile.
yes unfortunalty . i didn't like it the first time i tried it
yes in tesco
Sure, grocery and convenience stores. Its all over on the west coast. Orange tinted sugar water yum yum! Served to kids every morning with Cocoa Puffs and chocolate milk, then lock 'em all in a squirrel cage, ha ha.
yes you can and they just came out with 100 percent juice sunny delight too!
You still can.
I personally hate the stuff, I read the label once, it has two different kinds of oil, about 8 different fruit juices in it, and the whole thing is less than 10% real fruit juice.
It's all sugar!
i quite like sunny delight!!! you can get it from iceland.
Yes, there are still commercials on TV for it too.
yes, n i used 2 love it
Yeah you can but i don't think its advertised as much coz kids were actually turning orange from drinking so much! I hated the original one but i loved the Passion Fruit flavoured one...yum!
duh. go to raleys or olivers or safeway or target its everywhere
I liked it (or i think i did it was about 5 year ago) but I found out how unhealthy it is.
so now i just drink sugar which probably contains less of its self than sunny D
Yes but it's harder to find now!
I had some the other day! I still love the stuff.
It's only got natural sugar in no artificial.
18kcals per 200ml which isn't alot so why are you all saying pure sugar??
I loved that stuff...the California style was the best.
I think I might have to make a trip to the grocery store now. It's been too long since I have had that!
It may be bad, but it's so darn good!
yes it goes by "sunny d " now
yeah i fink u shud be able to
I use to consume it as well,until i read on the ingredients it contains "canola oil" Yukky poo,can you imagine squeezing fresh oranges and pouring a dab of canola oil in it? *gags*
yeah you can and now they tell you it has no added sugar 1.5l cost £1.38 in tesco
seen it in d supermarkets!
& there are different flavours too
Yes....I can remeber stories in the paper/ t.v and the anoying t.v ad...where kids where turning orange from drinking to much of the stuff
Yes! They sell different flavors now too.