Does milk kind of gross you out?!

Question: I mean, people get grossed out about breast milk, yet they drink cow/goat milk.

How about eggs? Kind of gross when you think about it.

what do you think?

Answers: I mean, people get grossed out about breast milk, yet they drink cow/goat milk.

How about eggs? Kind of gross when you think about it.

what do you think?

love milk--drink it every day about 16 ounces--like the taste of it. never thought about eggs-eat very few

i can't stand milk, but eggs r fine...

I don't really like to think about it.
I hate the after taste of milk.

Don't drink milk but use it on cereal....and have no problems with eggs as long as they are

yep, gross, i dont eat either

Milk is OK with cake but as a steady drink item it is too fattening.

I am allergic to eggs but they always look good when any one else eats them.

Neither is gross. That sounds like some kind of vegan rant. If it is just drink a glass of refreshing soybean juice and cool down.

Everything is pretty gross when you stop to think about it. So I try to not think about it too much.

I am allergick to milk, or have a sensitivity to milk. Sometimes I think that maybe the only reason I ever got sick drinking milk in the first place is because the verythought of it makes me sick. The smell, and the thought that it curdles when gone bad, discusts me. And yes eggs make me sick but mostly because the thought that I may take a bite and there may be a bit of eggshell in there. . The thought that milk comes from a cows nipple that isnt washed and may be hairy, yuck. what if the cow had sex just before getting milk, and th male cow left some jism on the nipple and got ino the milk. Also I dont know if many pepole know this but when I was in high schol, wich was ten years ago we studdied was in lawfully aloud to be found in different products. Like how much of something , like insects or rat hair. Now I remeber them sayingThat In one gallon of milk it is perfectly legal if you find 4 rat hairs in your milk. can you imagine what else is in your milk. Now in chocalte It is something like 85% of chocalate contains insects mainly cockroaches, what about tunafish and shrimp it contaions fish and shrimp feces. People love it. COttage cheese now watching someone eat cottage cheese, knowing that no matter what size the clumps are or what % milk it is, cotttage cheese is just spoiled milk.. Now wait, there is more don't fogett blue cheese dressing. The lumps in blue cheese is just moldy cheese..

Read this I got this from another user ofyahoo questions , I hope she dont mind me using this, all credit gos to her

it's the FDA's defect action level guidebook.

it tells you the maximum amount of bugs, or feces, or mold spores, or other food adulterants that you are allowed to have in food.

for example,

Insect filth (AOAC 968.35) Average of 30 or more insect fragments per 100 grams
Rodent filth (AOAC 968.35) Average of 1 or more rodent hairs per 100 grams
Grit (AOAC 968.35) Gritty taste and water insoluble inorganic residue is more than 25 mg per 100 grams

Rot (MPM-V113) Average of 6% or more pieces by weight contain rot

Insect filth (AOAC 965.38) Average is 60 or more insect fragments per 100 grams when 6 100-gram subsamples are examined OR Any 1 subsample contains 90 or more insect fragments
Rodent filth (AOAC 965.38) Average is 1 or more rodent hairs per 100 grams in 6 100-gram subsamples examined OR Any 1 subsample contains 3 or more rodent hairs
Shell (AOAC 968.10-970.23) For chocolate liquor, if the shell is in excess of 2% calculated on the basis of alkali-free nibs

Insect filth (MPM-V32) Average of 5% or more seeds by weight are insect-infested or damaged
Mold (MPM-V32) Average of 5% or more seeds by weight are decomposed
Mammalian excreta (MPM-V32) Average of 5 mg or more mammalian excreta per found
Foreign matter (MPM-V32) Average of 0.5% or more foreign matter by weight

Insect filth (AOAC 975.48) Average of 100 or more insect fragments per 25 grams
Rodent filth (AOAC 975.48) Average of 4 or more rodent hairs per 25 grams

i really hate milk when you have to drink it plain but i like milk with cereal.

I won't drink milk OR eat eggs. Believe it or not, i'm really not much of a picky eater besides that.

i have never really liked eggs...scrambled, fried, hard coiled, etc...i find the taste/texture to be really disgusting! and they also smell bad. but one day my friend was joking around and he told me that an egg was actually a chicken period and since then i get grossed out just from looking at one!

and i've never liked milk and have only tired it once or twice, but my friend will drink a huge glass of it and i think that is also one of the most disgusting things.

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