Where did the term Dr. Pepper come from? Why not Dr. Salt?!

Question: Just curious!

Answers: Just curious!

it was probably the best they could think of after spending all that time inventing prune flavored soda!

I think they were trying to imply that it peps you up.

Dr Salt would suggest you would die of thirst shipwrecked - not a good image for a refreshing drink.

Not sure, but you have to admit Dr.Pepper does sound cool.

Dr. Pepper was formulated in 1875 by a German pharmacist, Charles Alderton. He then sold the formula to Wade Morrison. Wade Morrison named it after Dr. Charles T. Pepper, of Virgina. Morrison was close to Dr. Pepper's daughter.

It was formulated by German pharmacist Charles Alderton in Morrison's Old Corner Drug Store in Waco.[1]To test his new drink, he first offered it to store owner Wade Morrison, who also found it to his liking. After repeated sample testing by the two, Alderton was ready to offer his new drink to some of the fountain customers. Other patrons at Morrison's soda fountain soon learned of Alderton's new drink and began ordering a "Waco". Alderton gave the formula to Morrison. A popular belief is that the drink was named after Morrison's former employer in Texas, but this has been disputed by the Dr Pepper company itself. They state that before moving to Texas, Morrison lived in Wythe County, Virginia near a Dr. Charles T. Pepper, and may have been close to Pepper's daughter at the time.

There is no period in Dr Pepper. Never was, never will be. The drink was named after a friend.

Try looking here.

i think its actually named after a person...
It was formulated by German pharmacist Charles Alderton in Morrison's Old Corner Drug Store in Waco.[1]To test his new drink, he first offered it to store owner Wade Morrison, who also found it to his liking. After repeated sample testing by the two, Alderton was ready to offer his new drink to some of the fountain customers. Other patrons at Morrison's soda fountain soon learned of Alderton's new drink and began ordering a "Waco". Alderton gave the formula to Morrison. A popular belief is that the drink was named after Morrison's former employer in Texas, but this has been disputed by the Dr Pepper company itself. They state that before moving to Texas, Morrison lived in Wythe County, Virginia near a Dr. Charles T. Pepper, and may have been close to Pepper's daughter at the time. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Pepper)

Dr. Pepper was the guy who invented the flavor of the drink. Also they didn't all it Dr. Salt because that would be kinda weird and nobody would buy something like that.

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