Antioxidant Drink?!

Question: I live in Brantford Ontario Canada, and was wondering if anyone here knows of a real good antioxident drink?. I am Diabetic and have circulatory problems as well...

Thanks in advance....

Answers: I live in Brantford Ontario Canada, and was wondering if anyone here knows of a real good antioxident drink?. I am Diabetic and have circulatory problems as well...

Thanks in advance....

We'll dont take my word for it but for antioxidant i drink like 5 cups of green tea every day , just plane with no sugar or lemon, or milk (whoever drinks it with that). just plane water and green tea (in my case Lipton green tea), hope it helps....

Just plain green tea! That's all my grandma ever drinks.

as everyone has already said, green tea, so many health benefits, including being rich in anti-oxidents


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