Why is coconut milk so fattening, when it comes right from a fruit?!
Answers: Hawaiian people consume it almost daily, and most of them are so slim, how?
Because coconut milks can burn fats. And it's natural, straight out of a fruit. When it's added with chemical or other things. It does other functions.
cause they probably work their as5es off too
In a diet low in processed foods, I know that coconut milk in moderation has no bad effects.
If you are eating highly processed foods, or just too much, you'll put on weight. Simple. I believe that canned coconut milk is the water and meat blended, if its fresh coconut water, it has about 45 calories per cup.
Actually Hawaii is one of the most obese per capita and their favorite meat is spam. They also have a high drug abuse rate... which are probably the slim ones you are seeing.
The fat from coconut is actually good for you so I wouldnt worry about it to much. It breaks down very good in your digestive system.
Is the coconut a fruit? I thought it was a nut.
The coconut nut is a giant nut
If you eat too much, you'll get very fat
Now, the coconut nut is a big, big nut
But its delicious nut is not a nut
It's the coco fruit (it's the coco fruit)
Of the coco tree (of the coco tree)
From the coco palm family
There are so many uses of the coconut tree
You can build a big house for the family
All you need is to find a coconut man
If he catch the tree, he gets the fruit free
The coconut bark for the kitchen floor
If you save some of it, you can build the door
Now, the coconut trunk, do not throw this junk
If you save some of it, you'll have a second floor
The coconut wood is very good
It can stand 20 years if you create (?) wood
Now, the coconut fruit, to tell you the truth
You can probe it or use it as firewood
The coconut leaves good shade it gives
For the roof, for the walls up against the eaves
Now, the coconut fruit, say my relatives
Make good cannonballs up against the thieves
because coconut is high in saturated fat which usually found in animals products. It's bad if you have high cholestrol or if you consumed it too much