Diet fizzy drinks. Will they better for you if you shake it and take the fizz out?!
Will it just be a low calorie drink and better for you if you take the fizz out?
Answers: If it's the fizziness that bloats the tummy and streatching the stomach making it bigger and therefore needing more to fill it with chocloate or bacon butties:)
Will it just be a low calorie drink and better for you if you take the fizz out?
It sounds like most of the negatives have been covered with the consumption of soda (fizzy carbonated drinks) - but did you also know that almost all soda's contain phosphates that deplete your bodies magnesium levels which can make you very ill. Or how about the fact that most citrus type sodas - Orange flavored / Squirt / etc.. contains chemicals that when mixed together combine to form the same ingredients contained in pesticide! Did you know that a can of coke can clean your toilet bowl - how about: eat through rust?
While yes, you can feel "bloated" after drinking a soda - from the carbon dioxide, it is not what makes your tummy bigger and stretchy - taking the fizz out of soda only gives you a highly sugared drink with artificial colors and flavors - this is what makes your tummy bigger and stretchy.
There are so many things wrong with soda and its ingredients, that I am amazed that anyone drinks them anymore - there are so many more healthy (and tasty) options!
er if your goign to do that why not just stick to cordial and water or juice? what a silly question.
HAHAHAHAHA its isnt diet cos it has no fizz!!
Its diet cos there is less sugar you numpty
They still contain sweeteners which are not good for you.
the fizz is just carbonation.
the artificial sweetener or sugar substitutes are not good for you.
you might as well drink a regular coke
but of course you should be drinking
water water
No it's only carbon dioxide, you should be more worried about what they have replaced the sugar with.
You shouldn't be drinking anything with the word DIET on it. Diet just means it has aspartame in it. Studies have shown that aspartame can lead to brain tumors, brain lesions, and lymphoma. Bad stuff.
For me, it throws me into seizures. It's nasty stuff.
No, if it contains any HFCS, crystalline fructose or any other artificial sugars/sweetners it will still be very bad for you.
You could but they'd taste horrible, esp coke. You'd be better off just drinking water or cordial and water. I have heard that fizzy water is bad for your teeth because the bubbles in the carbon dioxide aren't good for them. I think the trick is just to use common sense. Don't drink fizzy drinks all day long, save them for a treat, you'll enjoy them more.
It is a low calorie drink but the diet part is a real killer. I think somebody on this discussion already stated the negatives of diet drinks. The fizz on the other hand, is just carbon dioxide. Personally, i hate taking the fizz out...there's some taste that goes away.
ewwwwwwww >< drink them or dont drink them ..........
The fizz has nothing to do with the sugar content, and anyway they use artificial sweeteners, and any thing artificial is not good for you. Stick to natural ingredients.