Have you ever thought to yourself...So many types of coffee or tea, so little time?!
Answers: it occurred to me as I stood amass the huge selection of coffees at the grocery store. (why did I just use the word "amass" like that..sounded right at the time)
In a nearby Chinese Supermarket (very large store, like Waldbaum, Safeway type), I see so many different kind of teas, coffees, cocoas on display. always who will buy so many kinds of teas, coffees, etc. I only buy, or try two or three kinds of coffee, or tea. I wonder if the store has enough customers to buy so many varieties of stuffs. Amazing.
Wow, I was thinking that same exact thing yesterday when I was browsing the aisles in a little international grocery store. One whole aisle was packed with coffees and teas in every imaginable language. Pictures of herbs on the packages helped to know what some of those herb teas were, thankfully.
gosh...you think grocery stores have a selection, have you been to a health food store lately? They must have a jillion kinds of teas in there. No kidding.