How do you feel about nesquik milk?!
Terrible to snort...
I was dared to once... I blew brown snot for a few days...
Answers: GREAT to drink. Yum yum yum!
Terrible to snort...
I was dared to once... I blew brown snot for a few days...
I think Ovaltine is SOOOOOO much better!!! Lots better for you, too!
i love it, but i used to have a problem were i couldnt go to sleep without drinking a glass of it first
Not as good as rich chocolately ovaltine!!
i like it better than you
I like it alot. Wish I had some right now...
strawberry is delicious so is the banana milk
I used to love it but now that I think about it, it really has a artificial taste so yea Ovaltine is better
i love nesquick...drank as a kid an still do..and i love yoo hoo too..
I wish I had some right now.
i love it...i used to drink the powder-form banana flavored...that milk was the best!!!
actually i drink it almost every morning, instead of coffee that i hate, i have my choc milk with ice! lol yea with ice it makes it colder and no it doesnt melt and get watery unless u leave it sit,, its cold and really good,, i love it,,
I was addicted to Nesquik, but a couple of years ago I went all organic and gave up the Nesquik. I find that I don't miss it nearly as much as I thought I would. I'm sure part of not missing it was that I made such a big change. All organic food, no soda, no artificial sweeteners. I do still eat chocolate candy but only organic.
It's better then most other choc milks
I used to love it! I would beg my mom to get it. But now I have a chocolate recipe & I make my own. But I still have to buy the strawberry & it's quite delicious!! I never liked Ovaltine.