My finace drinks beer after work does that make him an alcoholic?!
Answers: No. Not at all. If he was an alcoholic he would feel the urge to drink ALL DAY LONG, possibly even starting to drink as soon as he wakes up in the morning. If he was an alcoholic, I think you would tell. Drinking beer after a long day of working is 100% natural, even if he does so nearly every day. BUT if he was to start drinking first thing in the morning, getting drunk every day, and staying out drinking all night - I may consider in getting him to see somebody. Hope this helps.
Depends on how many he drinks I guess.
if yes, he may be starting to have a alochol dependence
I drink about 3 beers a day and I don't consider myself an alcoholic. I am sure others would but each to his own, eh!
If he drinks beer everyday and he drinks like 6 or more everyday after work. yeah chances are that he is an alcohol. That is providing though that he can stop if he wants to. If he can stop drinking for a period of time then yeah maybe hes not. If he can't stop then he needs to get himself help if needed.
It doesn't sound like it because he actually goes to work. Many alcoholics cannot control the urge to drink and therefore miss work because of having gotten too drunk the night before or have to have a little "hair of the dog" before they can get started. If he just has a couple after work, it's merely his way of relaxing. I wouldn't worry unless he starts missing work, appointments, etc. because of the alcohol
It is when alcohol controls your life that you become a true alcoholic. When you put your alcohol first above all else. When nothing else matters. When you have no money and 4 kids to feed but you buy beer. When you beat your kids and wife because you are either drunk....or sober and wish you were drunk. Its when you make stupid decisions and blame everyone else for the consequences. When you think of nothing else but the next drink. When you place all blame for every little thing on anyone else but yourself. When you lie, cheat, steal, stay out all night, call people names, fantasize, hallucinate, and think you are perfect and wonderful and that you are the one being hurt or held back.....its when you don't give a damn about anyone but yourself and you don't care what you do to anyone else, and in the end, its all their fault anyhow.
Btw, it can start with a beer after work and progress.
Not if it's just a beer to wind down and relax. But if he can't go without and it's 5 beers instead of 1 or 2 I would call AA.
If he drinks more than a 6 pack daily, yes.
It is more often a habit for those types of people who have a drink after work. Challenge him to quit for awhile and this will answer your question a little more clearly.