How can I space drinking water through the day?!
Answers: I usually drink 3-4 small water bottles(50 cl) a day. I take a sip of water every 5-10 minutes. Is this bad? My urine is light yellow. How can I space drinking water through the day?
keep up what you are doing, it's the healthiest way.
it's not bad.
Techinically, you should drink your half your weight in ounces. However, your urine as you say is light yellow (hopefully, you mean "pale" since light yellow can still be considered dark).
Just make sure you have at least a tall glass of water with every meal and I usually like to have a large glass before I sleep and right after I wake up.
No, it's not bad, except that it might make you urinate more often than you would if you drank more water less frequently. This is an inconvenience but there's nothing wrong with it.
um no i mean water is always good it helps the body and its fat free!
If you sip it every five to ten minutes, you imply that you carry it around all day. You are spacing it already. Why don't you just sit and drink the bottle??? Drink when you wake up, two hours later, at lunch, after your siesta, at dinner and before you go to sleep. You should be drinking at least 64 ounces a day. That is 1.89 liters. Good Luck.
light yellow urine ,is probable more to do with your diet or the amount of sleep you get,urine is always darker first thing in the morning,unless its very hot your drinking enough water,because your get at lest fifty per cent of your intake from food if your diet includes fresh foods