Why am I sleepless after drinking tea?!
If you like, there are some teas that do NOT contain caffine. Most herbal, flower-based and fruit-based teas do not contain caffine. Green teas DO contian caffine.
Answers: Some teas contain caffine. Like caffine in coffee, it will keep you awake. Caffine affects people differently. My wife will find it hard to sleep if she takes any drink with caffine in it after 2pm. Whereas I can take a cup of coffee with a double shot of espresso in it just before going to bed.
If you like, there are some teas that do NOT contain caffine. Most herbal, flower-based and fruit-based teas do not contain caffine. Green teas DO contian caffine.
You are sleepless because tea contains caffeine - more than coffee.
it contains caffeine - less than coffee but it still has some in it. perhaps try herbal teas, something like camomile is perfect before bed.
Caffeine, dont drink tea/coffee at least 6-7 hrs before going to bed.
because tea has caffeine. also drinking tea will reset your body clock. so if you are having jet lag or u cant sleep well drink tea and try your best to sleep in the time u want. in no time you'll body will adopt the sleeping habits you want,
This is because tea contains a bit of caffeine. But be asurred that coffee has 4x the amount of caffeine compared to tea.
caffine is probably why
Because it has caffeine.