Why does Urine turn birght yellow after I drink an energy drink?!
Answers: I know that it's kinda sick to ask this, but I'm curious... is it the Taurine extract, the panax gensing extract, or what...?
In particular, it is unabsorbed vitamin B2 (riboflavin) that turns urine bright yellow (see reference). This is unrelated to the ordinary yellowish tint of urine, which is due to the presence of urobilins, breakdown products of dead red-blood cells. Taurine (from Latin taurus, meaning bull or ox) is an amino acid normally excreted in urine and has no coloring effect; neither is there significant evidence that it has any effect on energy levels.
Your body does not absorb all the minerals and vitamins that the drink contains. So, it is expelled through the urinary tract.
sniper is right.... same thing happens if you take vitamins..... my pee was like... flourescent yellow from taking vitamin C.
it's all the extra vitamins that your body could not absrob. I had a friend who had bright green pee after he drank a bunch of energy drinks.
Healty urine is clear. You ar wasting your money drinking energy drinks if nothing is staying in your body. Try actual food with vitamins.
It's the extra b vitamins that your body doesn't absorb. The same thing happens when you're taking multivitamins.
think about the color of the energy drink? and think about what kind of minerals and such is in the drink. that's probably your best bet as to why its super neonish yellow hehe
it's from all the cafine in the energy drink
does the same thing to me
its the taurine
Yes it is the colouring in the drink.
It's actually from the B vitamins in your energy drink. If you take a B complex vitamin, you'll notice the same results.
Cause of the taurine