Does anyone think that pop is worse for your body then smoking?? Like Pepsi or Coke?!
Answers: I think its equally as bad for you. Like smoking , drinking soda serves no purpose for your body. When you drink a soda all you get is empty calories or just liquid with an artificial sweetener. Many people have difficulties with carbonation (stomach issues: acid reflux etc) If you drink something drink water to cleanse your body, or provide nutrients like orange/ apple juice. Use a juicer get as much vitamins you can from your food and drinks. Plus dentists hate soda: takes enamel from your teeth. Smoking serves no purpose for your health neither does pepsi.
wow such is life
no way
no, def not! Yes, pop can rot your teeth and aid in weight gain, but it does not cause lung cancer, gum disease, tongue disease, fetal problems, wrinkles, poor circulation, yellow nails, etc...
Perhaps some people do think that, but they're wrong. Smoking is far far worse, not that soda is any good for you.
pop.... hahaha
i'm from the north.
all pop does is make ur teeth bad
they are two separate things. Smoke gets into your lungs, Soda goes into your stomach and bloodstream.
I'd say it's a tie.
Much more research should be done on the effects of "pop" on your body. Sugar anybody? Drink water.