Bottled water --read the labels?!
ie) Reverse Osmosis (Aquafina, Dasani)
Spring water (Nestle, countless other brands)
Wouldnt it be bottled water if you took a bottle of Coke and filled it with water?
All water is not equal
Answers: Why can't people read the labels and properly discuss the differences between the types of bottled water
ie) Reverse Osmosis (Aquafina, Dasani)
Spring water (Nestle, countless other brands)
Wouldnt it be bottled water if you took a bottle of Coke and filled it with water?
All water is not equal
a few of them have discussed it, but it doesn't seem a very popular topic to discuss. They'd rather discuss which is better: coke or pepsi.
plenty of people read the labels
I've never felt the urge to discuss the difference between distilled and reverse osmosis water with my peers... And I've never tasted a huge difference between the two waters anyway. Water is water, whether it's "equal" or not.
I guess you could consider a Coca Cola bottle filled with water "bottled water" but at the same time no, because it isn't factory sealed. If I filled a orange juice jug with water, it would not be a water jug. Or would it?