Bottled VS. TAP WATER?!?!

Question: do u think tap water is better? or bottled water?
&& why do u think so?
what's so special about them?

Answers: do u think tap water is better? or bottled water?
&& why do u think so?
what's so special about them?

First off you should define which type of bottled water you are talking about. Numerous kinds.
Reverse Osmosis :aquafina, dasani
Spring water
Mineral water
If I have to buy bottled water it will be Reverse Osmosis or Distilled, because I know what they are. Yes these do come from a municipal water source, but are filtered to remove 99% of the particles, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, flouride.
I wouldnt waste my money on Bottled Spring water, Mineral water, or Vitamin water as your tap water is about the same quality as these. These are the type of companies that should be shut down, as they mis-inform and create panic while not supplying a quality product.

Best option - Install a Reverse Osmosis (a quality 5 stage) in your home, and it wont matter if a boil water order is going on, you can still drink the water.

Brita filters do very little to actually remove anything from the water. In fact if filters arent changed frequently bacteria can start to form and produce even worse water.
If your really cheap and dont like chlorine - just put tap water in a jug and the chlorine will disapate

Tap water is fine, bottled water is a waste of money.

I used to think tap water but i saw this really interesting ad last week that showed how much bad stuff is in water, tap water compared to filtered water, compared to bottled water, and bottled had like less than half the bad stuff in it than tap water did. Basically, tap water is worse for you and your body than bottled water. Also, i love the taste of bottled water!

tap water tastes better, and yes there is a difference

depends on where you live. some towns super chlorinate thier water and other places have a sulfury taste. i was raised on bottled, so no matter where i am i can tast a difference, and i think tap water tastes like dirt.

tap water. cause if you reuse the bottles for bottle water you can get cancer

Where I live we have a water bottling company. Don't waste your money - they take tap water and stick it in fancy bottles. If you are really lucky, they filter it first.
Buy a Britta filter if you are concerned about particulates in the water.

Tap water is not as processed as bottled water and I can definitely taste the chemicals when I drink bottled water especially Auqafina! I do drink the spring water In a bottle but the rest is too much. I want a nice tall glass of Water not Chemicals!!!!!

I think it depends on where the tap water is coming from and what bottled water you're talking about.

Some tap water comes from private wells that are not 'processed' like city water. Well water can contain bacteria, arsenic and other contaminants. City water can contain trace amounts of chlorine and other chemicals. Some tap water, either city or well, can have a bad taste to it (the city water where I live, until recently, tasted like a lake because it came from a lake). Although the taste is not harmful, it isn't pleasant.

Some bottled water comes from tap water in the city where it is bottled and there is absolutely nothing special about it except it costs too much and wastes plastic. Some bottled water can contain contaminants, too. And bottled water produces lots of plastic bottles that may or may not be recycled.

So... no simple answer to your question.

Bottled water is really tap water with a BIG price tag.

My city has a couple of water bottlers. I'd rather bottle my own tap water, thank you.

If you complain about gas prices, WHY, WHY, WHY do you drink bottled water !?!?!?!?

Bottled water is a waist of money, most people do NOT recycle them, and you can get cancers from re-using them.. when most people don't know that.

Tap: JEEZ we are soo picky i mean why do we need these kinds of things in our house.. they are in almost (probably) EVERYONES!!

Over all i would prefer Tap

tap water. bottled water tastes funny to me

I think that it depends on the area you live in. My friend has well water at his house so they have a filter b/c otherwise it would taste awful! I can tell the difference in flavor most of the time. There's a difference in mineral content.

tap water is better. Most cities have good cleaning/filtering sytems. Have another filter at home and you're all set. Using bottled water is SUCH a drain to your wallet and on the environment.

bottled. no body drinks tap

TAP WATER! but only in NYC...the water tastes soooo good =D
and it has fluoride in it, which is good for our teeth =)

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