Does Red Bull make you put on weight?!
Answers: I'm very skinny (5'7'' 110lbs) does drinking red bull make you gain more weight?
Hey Alex
Our bodies are structured differently in regards to what makes us gain or loss weight. Generally calories do make us gain weight however there could be other ingredients that would help us keep the weight off. A calorie is a form of energy, for people who want to gain or lose weight they are always counting calories because that is where some of the weight comes from and a can of Red Bull has 110 calories. To answer your question if someone does consume enough Red Bull's yes they will put on weight. But what is enough, well that all depends on what your body can take..
Hope this helps
No it just helps you get energy.
No but try drinking something with less caffine. Too much of it isnt very good for you. Try tea its tastes good and has caffine. But know your teas first. Some make you sleepy instead.
Yes its full of sugar... sugar is pure energy and if you're not using it it will store it as fat.
110 calories per can.
That's alot!
It gives you so much energy, that you will burn it off real fast and probably loose weight.
I prefer a new energy drink on the market, Verve. It's got all the nutrients and none of the sugar crash. Lower in calories, higher in good stuff. Let me know if you want more info.
It can especially with all of the sugar content, but then again everyone has different body types and reacts differently to certain things.