Why does orange juice have the be refrigerated?!

Question: would it make you sick if left unrefrigerated and you drank it? why?

Answers: would it make you sick if left unrefrigerated and you drank it? why?

Orange juice is mostly fructose (sugar). Bacteria feed on sugar, so the longer it sits, the more it becomes bacteria rather than sugar. Keeping it cold slows the growth of bacteria.

so it dosent ferment and go nasty and sour.

i dont think it would make u sick...why?? Because it tastes bad. Did u ever drink expired orange juice?? thats how it tastes.

Organic means it has not added preservatives, so you have to keep it inside the fridge, otherwise it will turn sour, and believe me, you don't want to drink that.

If it has already been refrigerated, and you dont keep it cold its use by date goes rather quickly, especially pure juice, it has no preservatives which mean salt and sugar, thats what they actually use to prolong the life of any food or drink, so I definately would not drink it if it was originally refrigerated and you've let it go hot, its like stale and will make you sick, just remember once a product is opened its useby date pretty much goes out the window and refrigeration is the only way to keep it somewhat fresh, please be careful, you can end up with food poisoning, my policy is "if in doubt, chuck it out", live by that and you cant go wrong, hope you are feeling a bit better now, keep the water up it will dilute what you have had, Goodluck mate, hope that helps!

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