After boiling water in a pot should i wash te pot after or not?!

Question: Definitely. You'll get a lot of mineral deposits on your opt if you don't. That could lead to oxidation and that means rust.
Also, you might leave your pot warm and moist. Bacteria love that.

Answers: Definitely. You'll get a lot of mineral deposits on your opt if you don't. That could lead to oxidation and that means rust.
Also, you might leave your pot warm and moist. Bacteria love that.

Yes or you will end up with a nasty white residue on the pot from minerals in the water

Yes, you should. Tap water and well water contain alot of minerals that could build up on the pot and create a not so clean looking film or dry crusty substance.

I just rinse it

If it's just water, I usually just rinse my pot and let it dry.

no it cleans it self one time i was boiling a hot dog and it cleaned its self and i stuck my hand in pot and grababbed the hot dog and ate it yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ps my hand still; hurts

Rinse it well and then dry it. No big deal.

no it is just water it didnt hurt nobody

rinse it out with a quick rinse, it's no big deal. boiling water doesn't leave much residue, except calcium deposits. But that's over a long period of time.

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