Does mineral water cause constipation?!
Answers: Is too much mineral water bad for you?
I would argue the most significant harm to you is financially. Most bottled mineral water represents at least a 1000% markup from what it costs you to get water out of the tap, which is tested rigorously and daily by municipal governments all over America. Is the taste, especially if the water is cold, different enough to warrant being robbed blind by these companies?
Furthermore, bottled mineral during transportation and bottle manufacture represents hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. The trucks that carry your bottled water certainly aren't doing your health a favor through air pollution.
Does mineral water cause constipation? Doubtful, not enough water in general might. Is too much mineral water bad for you? Yes, and your environment.
i dont think so...
No, in fact water is essential to your body to help it function. Too much water can be bad for you, but you have to drink literally gallons of it. A couple of litres a day is reccomended and will help improve your health.
generally, mineral water has the reverse effect and makes people more regular, however there are exceptions to every rule.
too much water of ANY kind can cause a condition called hypernatremia where the sodium content of the body is severely reduced and can cause death.
No, water helps with constipation. Use a fiber supplement and drink plenty of water.
may help, i would try it.
Gordon's answer above is absolutely right. The only harm you'll personally receive from bottled water is a smaller bank account. If you're constipated, the best place for your mineral water is in an enema bag.