If Starbucks is losing money and firing employees, why don't they just lower the price of coffee?!
Answers: seems like a simple plan lower prices bring in more customers
Dunkin' Donuts has the same quality beans, for their coffee and espressos. Yet Dunkin' Donuts is about half the cost. Try a blind taste test of both. The regular coffee hands down is better and the lattes are just about the same thing.
Watch out for McDonald's now has some pretty good premium coffee. (if the workers can keep up on brewing fresh coffee it will be just as good as Dunkin) Don't be shocked if McDonald's starts serving lattes.. Then Dunkin Donuts & StarBucks will be in even worse shape.
more like raise the prices and milk every customer for every cent they can, youd think your idea would work but for some reason it never seems to. greed rules all buisness, its all about the bottom line, they dont care about thei employees, they just care about money, and theyll still get it, people seem to be addicted to a 8 dollar cup of coffee, which is as you know beyond rediculous and just plain stupid, but at least half the country is a little slow....
Cuz coffee prices from suppliers and milk are going up and Starbucks dug themselves in a hole because the grew to fast and now there are plenty of coffee places that are just as good..if not better so Starbucks is having to shave employees to keep it's doors open.
It's cheaper for them to fire employees than to lower costs. there is no guarantee lowering price will bring in more customers.
No it wouldn't really bring in many more customers, they definately have the monopoly on the coffee biz. Lets hope your not in marketing or economics!
because that would make sense and greedy people have no sense
You would think they would think of doing that. But the reason they won't is because they are stuck up and think they are fine the way they are.... hello, wake up, your going to 'die' soon.... lol. Don't get me wrong, Starbucks is great but they should wake up and if they want more money and business, they'd do something about it.. You know?
losing money?!...those people have fat wallets,..there just greedy..
greed - their looking for a bigger profit margin and as long as people are going to buy a cup of joe for 7 bucks then they aren't going to lower the price
you are definitely management material.
the starbucks i know are doing that but, you have a good idea:)
Starbucks doesn't give a damn for its workers any more than any other U.S. corporation cares for its workers. They would rather maintain their profit margin by cutting their workforce and forcing the remaining workers to work much harder than do anything as useful to the consumer as cut the price of coffee...much less actually do anything that acknowledges workers' rights.
Not a bad idea, but the cost of supplies is still the same. So, starbucks might still lose money because they make less for each drink they sell, but they still have to pay the same price for milk and other stuff. The competitors' prices are also a factor.