Is coffee creamer okay to drink plain?!
Answers: I find myself stealing sips from my moms Coffee-mate, and it tastes cleaner and fresher than milk to me. I was wondering what is so bad about it if its non-dairy, lactose-free, cholesterol-free and fat free?
regular milk doesn't contain all of those chemicals and substances. it's non-dairy, and all-made up. Plus it contains HFCS which milk does not contain. There's no cholesterol because it's not a natural product. You should find something else to drink.
lol probably not, just have a cup of coffee and put some in
Theres no true nutritonal value there
if you like it drink it so what its ok to. nothing would bug you i guess its just creamer or something like it.
I don't think it's bad, because, what's the difference if you put it in coffee or just drink it plain? However...I'm sure if you start drinking too much you could have a problem, so limit yourself.
Yea. I drink it plain all the time. lol!
You should compare the ingredients to lactose free milk next time you're in the store. I can't imagine it tastes very good, but I do know my mom puts it in her cereal in the morning and loves it - and she's fine!
Please research the ingredients and check it all out. What can be so bad are all the chemicals and (horrors) plastics that are in it. They use lots of unpronounceable words that I always use the rule of: "If I can't pronounce it, I shouldn't put it in my mouth."
why are you stealing sips?
It's's just a bunch chemicals.
It is white colored grease. If that tastes better than milk you need a better brand of milk.