How long can milk last after it has expired?!
Answers: can someone tell me how long milk can last (so that its safe to drink) after it has past its expiration date?
the date is the sell by date, so that gives you three to five days
Its expired. That means it probably isn't very safe to drink. If its not sour, I'm sure it won't hurt you. Just smell it before you drink it. As soon as it sours, throw it out.
you can use the milk for 3 more days after expired date.
The sell by date is the date the milk will be best if sold by that date...usually 4-7 days past that date the milk is still good if kept cold.
a week is ok, the date on it is the "sell by" date not the expiration date
I find sometimes milk can spoil even a day or two before the expiry date. My husband goes by smell. I'm pretty picky though. I wouldn't drink it beyond the expiry date.
I usually give it 3 to 5 days after the date, but if it smells sour before then I'd toss it.
In Mexico there is this urban myth that dairy products producers collect all the expired milk from supermarkets and take it back to the plant, where it is reprocessed and sent back 'fresh' to the supermarket shelves.
well its past its date just smell and if the smell is yuck usely off just be safe and dont drink it
thats my advice
years ago the carton would say good for 7 days after the date. Now it depends on where you live . Why i don't know but mys sister is in Texas and has told me for some reason milk is only good to the expiration date. However there are two tests you can do to see if it is all right. Smell and Taste, either one will give you the answer you need. I have noticed that nonfat milk tends to be bad at or before the expiration date FYI.