Is it ok to drink a soda ( mountain dew in the bottle) that has been cold then hot then cold?!
Answers: is it ok to drink a soda ( mountain dew in the bottle) that has been cold then hot then cold?
It should be perfectly fine. If you left it out at room tempature for a while then it will be flat meaning the carbonation or bubbles are gone. I am not sure what happens when it freezes. But if it was above 32 degress farenhite then it will be fine besides it tastes better cold
Yes, the soda is completely safe. The only problem would be with the carbonation, depending on how hot/cold it got. Extreme temperatures will cause the soda to go flat as soon as it is opened.
Yeah... It is perfectly fine!!!
yes, it's fine.
it's fine. I've done that
yea its fine prob wont tase as good
It's fine
Yes my sister and her kids do it all the time. Actually they will just drink it hot...nasty!
Yes, it may not so good.
yes, it's perfectly safe. It may be less carbonated, but it's not dangerous. They transport soda on normal trucks, and most grocery stores don't keep it refrigerated in the back, so all soda you buy has gotten hot then cold several times.
yeah as long as it hasnt been opend then it will taste fine unless it is really old.