Is tap water really all that bad for you, I mean is it worth it to buy bottled water or a water filter?!

Question: Tap water is not bad for you. Many cities have chloride in the water which will actually help you. Bottled water is often more convenient. Some studies have shown that bottled water is not as healthy.

Answers: Tap water is not bad for you. Many cities have chloride in the water which will actually help you. Bottled water is often more convenient. Some studies have shown that bottled water is not as healthy.

It all depends. You can have your tap water tested at a lab. Its not TOO expensive. The people who work at the lab should be able to tell you exactly how bad or good your tap water is.

Recently COKE's DASINI water won an Award for one of the WORST PRODUCTS EVER - it was simply bottled tap water.. sometimes with flavor added..

tap water is healthier for you because it contains some impurities..
impurities make you stronger...

I personally just don't like the taste of tap water and always purchase mountain spring water in a bottle.

It depends on where you live, where your tap water comes from.

Often tap water is perfectly fine to drink. Some of it is delicious (NYC has some of the world's best tap water!)

Mother Earth News did an article on this and found tap water has more regulations then bottled water, and tap water doesnt produce the waste products that bottled water does.

It depends where you live, some cities have a better water supply than others.

But a filter for tap water is better than most bottled water. Bottled water is not well regulated, and the plastic containers have a number of chemicals and hormones that can leach into the water that are even more dangerous for you long term than what you get on tap.


Yes. it is clorinated in Water Pump House before comming to your House.

For Drinking

1.Use Bottled Water.

for Bathing

1.Use Tape water. Just heat it and take bath,

tap water is fine to drink in most areas in most first world countries. ( usa, canada, europe etc ). the most important advice is ask the locals if they drink it. if not, you shoudlnt either. some water has high chlorine content so as to be dangerous. or in my neighborhood its got pieces in teh bottom LOL. but oftentimes its ok, its almost alwyas ok to try a little bit. and some tap waters taste great.

worst tap water i ever had - Spaín's tap water - yuck!

best - prague, czech republic. bring a glass and fill up from the faucet!

no its not worth it.. just boil the tap water before consume.

Considering water is 70% of your body, I would assume you would want to drink the purest form of water.
I will admit that a lot of bottled waters are not much better than tap water - but SOME ARE.
I tend to stay away from any mineral, or mountain spring water because I just look at the labels and see whats in it.
I prefer nothing in my water.
Water such as (Dasani, Aquafina) are purified through Reverse Osmosis which removes the contaminants and dissolved solids from the water. Do not be confused from the recent reports saying Aquafina and dasani come from municipal water sources. Of course they do - but they also go through the Reverse Osmosis filtration which removes 99.9% minerals from the water.
Tap water is considered safe because it causes no short term side effects - Yet they will say nothing about the long term side effects. By no means is it even close to the quality of Reverse Osmosis or Distilled water.
Boiling tap water does not remove anything from the water, although it will kill any bacteria that may be present. Boiling only condenses the mineral content (pure water evaporates) ie. Distillation is when you capture the evaporated water.
A better solution would be to install a quality 5 stage reverse osmosis in your home and use that for drinking and cooking purposes. A boil water order could be in effect and youll still be safe to drink right from the tap.
As a pretreatment for the water - a Refiner (which softens the water and removes the chlorine) will ensure your R.O stays in good condition - change filters once a year.
An added benefit of softening the water is you will use a lot less soap (laundry, shampoo....) and can actually use brands that do NOT have added chemicals added to soften your water. LOOK INTO WHAT IS IN YOUR LAUNDRY SOAP.
Soft water also rinses clothes cleaner.
Water quality varies in each municipality, and general regulations are in place to make sure everyone is relatively safe.
It is very dissapointing to see areas such as San Francisco ban bottled water when the benefits of drinking quality water are often misunderstood or ignored.
Its your body and you are capable of putting whatever you like inside of it. I prefer to educate myself.

Bottled water is a rip off in most places. The tap water in your city is probably fine, but may have an odd taste. I placed an under sink filter on my cold water line for less than $25.00 and my water tastes great.
All the fine folks are grinching about high gas prices, but they don't seem concerned that they are paying anywhere from twice to 10 times as much for their fancy water as they are for gas. Go figure....I can make my water more drinkable but I can't make gasoline so some schmuck is going to try and get me to buy overpriced, over rated and in some cases Dangerous bottled water....Count me out...I'll pass...

ps....Pepsi has ADMITTED in Tulsa that they have been using city water....

tap water is not bad for you but it does go through dirt when its undergroun and all through mud and worms

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