What are the benefits of not drinking soda?!
Answers: iv'e decided to stop drinking soda, actually caffeine all together. health wise what are the benifits?
My doc said that the body stores all the carbonic acid that is formed when the soda meets your digestive juices. These are caustic and can chew at the lining of your stomach and intestines, and create digestive probs. I have stopped drinking sodas for about six weeks now. The bloated feeling is mostly gone, and my stomach talks to me less and less. I have substituted tea and water. I still need the caffiene, working late nights, and still also drink coffee. But, overall, I feel better and am enjoying the many more flavors of tea that are available, moreover that of sodas. Good luck, below is a link that might help you in your info searches...
You get healthier, and you lose pounds in months, if you dont drink it in months.
Better health and less weight gain.
Better health, teeth, and weight loss.
ya. there are acids in soda that actually decomposes your teeth, like it actually "eats" your teeth. also soda has a lower freezing point, there is stuff in it sort of like anti freez, what you use in your car.
i found out ..soda has alot ..calories and high in sugar.. when i quit drinking ..alot of soda ;;my weight went down;; ill drink one every now n then ;;water good source; of fluids
soda isn;t healthy and it has all this saccharine (sp?) that eats away at your teeth enamel,