How much water do you have to take?!
(just curious)
Answers: I heard you were able to have water intoxication and i wanted to know how much water did you have to take in to get to this point?
(just curious)
first of all I can't believe that people are so under-informed! You are right there is water toxification. It's caused by drinking soo much water that it dilutes the sodium in your body. The kidneys of a healthy adult can process like 15 liters of water a day. Water intox is most common in babies and athelets. It's not nessarily how much you drink as how often. Drinking several liters over a short period of time can be deadly. It really depends on the age, size, condition of the person. I actually read an article about this lady Jennifer Strange who died from water intox acidentally, because she was holding her "wee for a Wii on a radionstation". Water intox is not drinking water to get f*cked up- some people on here amaze me, any way I hope this helps.
Last person to be diagnosed with water intoxication drunk something like 6 gallons of water within 1hr as part of a competition to win a car (she died as a result of throwing her electrolyte balance off and the damaged this caused to her brain)
im pretty sure you can never have enough water. ur body is 70% water and y would u want to know that. just hav a few beers
I pretty sure there is no substance present in water that would cause intoxication (unless somebody slipped acid in your water bottle). Anything close to that would probably be due to some sort of severe shock to the body having taken in too much of it. Be careful with that, people have died from over-hydration. In Chico State University several students were killed as a result of a fraternity initiation, they were locked in a basement and forced to drink gallons upon gallons of water for a number of days. It killed them.
NOT that I am promoting any sort of drug-use, but I would feel safer taking 6 tabs of triple-stacked ecstacy, than trying to get high from drinking too much water. Alot less painful and ALOT less urination.