What is the difference between pop, soda and coke?!
Answers: pls help.. serious answers only pls
Pop and soda are the same thing. Coke is a brand name. They are all flavored cola. It just depends on what part of the country you come from by what you call them.
I don't think there really is a difference. I know that in different parts of the country, people use those words interchangeably. It's just a way of saying a carbonated drink. Hope that clears it up!
different parts of the country call it different things. if you ask for a coke in texas, you're asked what kind.
They are all different 'regional names' for the exact same thing. When I lived in the South, every carbonated beverage
was called 'coke', regardless of whose product it really was. Living in the NW (now)... those sugary beverages are known
as 'pop' until you hit about 30...then it's a 'soda'. Weird huh?
Pop and Soda are the same thing. But Coke is short for CocaCola which is a brand of soda (or pop).
a pop and soda are the same and coke is a generic term for pop or soda..or coke could be a brand name for a beveridge..
you forgot dope in your list, and to some people they are all the same thing
pop & soda are generic names for these types of drinks. coke is a brand name but can be used genericaly. in japan they use the word cola for any such beverage, also as a genereic name.-blurey
Your geography.
Lived all over and depends where you are from.