Mint tea question?!
Answers: does mint (tea) help someone sleep?
Yes it can. I am drinking sleepytime tea right now which is a mix of chemomile and mint. Helps relax me. Mint has some soothing properties to it.
Mint aids the digestive system by helping it to detox. Camomile Tea can help you sleep as it has relaxing properties, but remember to use decaf, it also is a bit of an acquired taste.
all teas help sleep...but colon cleansing works miracles compared to mint tea as far as sleeping goes...try out colonix.
Yes it can. But the best thing is if you have a tummy ache mint tea is the best!
Mint itself can, but it depends on what tea you get (even if it contains mint). Teas with caffeine that contain mint (like green tea) will keep you up all night. You can buy some "sleepy time" teas that are minty and they'll knock you out asleep! : )