Warm milk?!
Answers: Does everyone find warm milk gross except me? I don't see the problem with drinking warm milk.
its good i like cold milk better but im a milkaholic i drink 6 glasses a day my doctor says my bones are harder then a ******* fock ive fell so bad before my friednds tell me it must be broken but my doctor says no just spranged...
no i succle teets
I love warm milk! :))
I grew up drinking warm milk before I went to bed. I find warm milk make me sleepy.
I don't like warm milk, I throw in the Nestle and have Cocoa.
i hate milk too.hot milk is good for insomniacs...........i like cheese though
it's good with chocolate and cinnamon and vanilla and whipped cream and sprinkles
but no i don't think it's that gross, just not my style
I love hot milk with nestle powder (chocolate or vanilla), but to be honest, I have never tried plain white milk warm. I have heard it helps one go to sleep.
i hate warm milk it just grosses me out i have to drink it as soon as i pour it in a glass.
warm milk tastes really great! :D
I love warm milk. My dad used to warm some for me when I was young. It helped me sleep because the calcium when warmed acts as a sedative. I also enjoy heating up some milk and pouring it over some rusks.
I've never drank warm milk in my pre-teen years, maybe in my baby years, but I can't recall the taste of warm milk. I find it gross though- the idea or warm milk, I always drink cold milk.
I love warm milk.it helps me to fall asleep...and it taste great!!