How often should I change water filters on my Brita Cooler ?!
Answers: I refill my tank obout once a week ,thats 208 tanks per year ,There are two filters in my cooler .That would be about 104 tanks per filter per year . I think my tank is a three or four gallon tank .They recomend changing every 3 months but I disagree .I have gone a year now with out changing my filters .I think I did my math right .I use my filterd water only for drinking and makeing ice cubes .That includes coffee and tea .
There are 52 weeks in a year. If you fill it once per week that's 52 times in a year. Every three months is a good idea because the filters get stale.
The Muse
it depends how much water goes through the filter. If it's less than average then I'd guess 4-5 months. If it's more than average, 2-3 months. but I'd certainly change it if this is a charcoal filter since once the charcoal has reached it's limit in filtering water, you could actually contaminate the water.