Which Would you Prefer Starbucks or Tim Hortons?!
Answers: ah tim hortons is amazing! but they dont have it in the states where i live. =[ they are only in the coolest country ever... canada!
I don't think we have Tim Horton's here in Calif., but I do love Starbucks.
Starbucks, hands down!
For coffee: Starbucks
For food: Tim Horton's... although they do have good coffee too!
I've never heard of Tim Hortons!! Starbucks is amazing though!
I am not a fan of either, but do like a place witha selection of coffees, I prefer Timothys or Second Cup for a variety and Country Style for the donut shop experience, as they grind the beans for each pot.
If it is just for coffee, I'll take Starbucks. If I need to have a bite, I'll go for Tim Hortons. When I say bite, I don't mean the donuts, Tim Hortons has good chili and chicken salad/wrap etc.
Although the starbucks fraps and hot chocolate are heavenly
It definitly depends what I am in the mood for. If I want some seriously amazing coffee, I would naturally head to my Starbucks, however, if I wanted some actual food or a good hotchocolate I would go to Tim Horton's. If you ask me its really like comparing apples to oranges. Sure they both sell coffee, but that is about it.
Tim Hortons. Starbucks coffee sucks unless you fancy it up and pay $5.00 for it!