Coffee lover of coffee hater?!
Answers: coffee hater : P gross
total h888aaaaa - coffee is RANK man
Tea bellies ;D
Lover! ^_^
Love when I feel sleepy, Hate when it is hot out there,
I don't hate it, but I prefer tea. I stopped drinking coffee at work because every day, I would come in and, of course, the pot would be empty. So I would make another pot and start my work. Then, when I came back later, the pot would be empty again! That happened too many times and I finally got fed up and decided they could make their own coffee; I'll stick with tea or water.
Turkish coffee lover
So love coffee!!! Though have got a really liking for chai, very nice indeed
coffee is the best stuff on earth. I love it!!
Coffee LOVER ^_^
hello love, My name is Zaria Storm I personally like to have one or two cups a day, but my husband can drink up to 6 cups a day... I am worried that it will catch up to him some day because all that caffeine CAN NOT BE GOOD FOR YOU thanks....
I love a good cup of coffee, but all cups are not created equal.
Lover and addict. I work overnights 6-7 days a week, got to school fulltime during the day and have a houseful of children. Coffee is like oxygen for me, a must have!