Aloe Vera drinks are availbale in bottles from South Korea is it a a healthy drink and in which way?!
They taste good too (sometimes weird, depending on the manufacturer and kind of plant)..and you can use it in shakes, drinks...and most popularly just apply it with packs on your skin/hair.
check this out :
Answers: Aloe vera works WONDERS for your skin and hair and digestive system and immune system.
They taste good too (sometimes weird, depending on the manufacturer and kind of plant)..and you can use it in shakes, drinks...and most popularly just apply it with packs on your skin/hair.
check this out :
They make you healthy beacause the They come from leaves. They are tasty too. Um my e-mail is t. this is just my cousins e-mail..
I don't know why they are healthy, but a friend of mine drinks them to help with her allergies. She says it works enough so that she doesn't have to take meds.
it help your skin
burns and stuff drinks would be good to
bet it tastes really bad though