Energy drinks ( full throttles)?!
Answers: how can i talk my mom into lettin me have them? well she duse only for very rare occations.....but like whenever i want to?? anything i can tell her to say to let her let me have one whenever i want? when i get my own money she wont let me even...
Tell her you could be drinking Tilt and Vodka and Beer instead of a simple energy drink.
Ok ha Im totally kidding. That would make her even more paranoid.
just tell her that you should be able to have one everyonce in a while like once a week or 2. i mean how bad is that?
But still, think about the 12 tablespoons of sugar, the guarna (puts you to sleep), and the calories.
How old are you? I don't think you should if your Mama says no. When you get older then it will be fine, but not now.
how old are you??
ummm stick to milk
ft is the worst , not much aminos, full of sugar and mostly caffien,
I think sugar free Rock star has the best and most diverse ingrdiants,
and Red bull hard to beet too!
please dont start drinking them i did and i swear im addicted and they are no gud for you my advice is stay clear of high sugar enegy drinks
Mmm well most parents believe that energy drinks are terrible for you. Although they arent really good..they arent terrible in small doses. try to tell her that you havent had on in forever and say they have no effect on you, you just want the taste. (My moms the same way xD i just say, "what...they have no effect on me. they are just good!" she gives in eventually)
I suppose it depends on the energy drink and how old you are. I haven't had energy drinks for a long time, but when I was younger (about 14) I used to have Red Bull in the mornings until I discovered that some ingredients could make your skin bad and that it had been banned in some countries.
Compromise with her. Agree on an energy drink together that doesn't have too much caffeine, taurine or whatever the primary ingredient is (she may be concerned you get too hyper or such) and only have it a couple of times a week. If you want one whenever you want, the only thing you can do is go to the store yourself, buy it, and drink it before you get home.
ask the reason why she doesn't let you and then you'll find out the reason and how to overcome it.