Vault question?!
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Put a $ on the number you thing it is at(1-4 is mostly soda, 6-10 is mostly energy drink, 5 is about the same. I'd say it is about 8 but this is your opinion.
Answers: Is vault more of a energy drink or a soda? May something like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Put a $ on the number you thing it is at(1-4 is mostly soda, 6-10 is mostly energy drink, 5 is about the same. I'd say it is about 8 but this is your opinion.
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Personaly i think it's like an 8 1/2 I can't drink it, because it, like many energy drinks makes me pass out like a you would under the influence of a tranqulizer. and it causes major stomach pains. lol
This is to much work for me. Sorry!
Did I do that right?
I think its mostly soda. I don't care for them at all. I prefer Monster.
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i think it's more for energy than just to enjoy...but it does have carbonation so it is sorta like a soda too...dunno! but that's my opinion