What's your favorite sports drink?!
Answers: Mine is gatorade rain. I could drink it everyday. What's yours?
I'm with you, I like gatorade too
Gatorade =) and water
lemon propel
i like propel because its healthier for you
i also like G2
but of course i &heart; water
always Gatorade
Gatorade is good.. i like vitamin water, propel and water.
I just tried this new energy drink that is the worlds first energy drink and i gotta tell you it is goooood!I can feel the energy working on me for hours!Try it at getrushed.drinkactweb.com.I bet your energy drink can't beat this!
propel..cuz it has very little calories and les sugar than gatorade..it tastes better too..well at least the strawberry kiwi and lemon do..:)