Is propel good for you?!
Answers: i love diet soda, i am so addicted but i know its bad for you so i started drinking propel a ton. I know you're supposed to drink a ton of water a day, but i got these powder mixtures of propel and pour it in all my water. so i was wondering if propel was a healthy thing to drink and is it the same as drinking water??
Actually Propel isn't merely sugar water. It has vitamins and minerals you need to charge you with electrolytes. Plus it doesn't taste bad and you can definitely benefit from it. I wouldn't advise drinking so much in place of water because they're expensive and you could overenergize your cells. The sucrose you get doesn't hurt, it's the better kind of sugar compared to fructose alone and it gives you the energy you need that you can't come up with out of the blue with water. And also drinking too much of it can damage your teeth, so be wary.
Propel is just sugar water with some things added to make you feel good about drinking it. I suppose it is not as bad for you as diet soda.
Try 100 % fruit juice with naturally carbonated water added to it.
water with chemically altered sugar? -i'd try plain water with lime or lemon instead.
Well it has less sugar and calories than pop so I would say yes. But it is good to drink plain water too.
Propel is not bad for you at all. It only has 4 grams of sugar compared to 12 and 17grams in iced teas and soda. I use the sugar powder mixes too. Its not bad for you but its not the best thing either. Don't worry about it, just don't forget to drink water too!
no its full of chemical sweeteners and artificial flavors
try talking rain it all natural flavors and no sweeteners or just water or mint water or hint water just natural flavors mint water is my favorite