Why is it that coffee makes you pooh this is a real question I really want to know.?!
Answers: i have heard that from others but it doesn't bother me like that at all ....i love my coffee
To a lot of people it acts as a laxative.
Coffee is a diuretic. Which means it is going to make you go to bathroom more, just like prunes.
It is a natural stimulant and laxative---gotta have my coffee.
Coffee is a diuretic, which makes you urinate. But it's also largely full of substances which are no good for your body, and your bowels' job is to expel whatever you take in which your body can't use, i.e. poisons.
I love the taste of good coffee, and still enjoy it on occasion, but have largely switched to tea, a much more healthy beverage.
uhh maybe the oils I dont care for coffee anyways Tea all the way. Its better for ya.