Is coffee safe for 13 year olds to drink?!
Answers: I've heard it increases you're chance of having a heart attack.
It's no worse than a soda, in fact if it doesn't have sugar then it is better than a soda.
13 year olds don't need coffee give them milk.
yes its fine i drink coffe sometimes and im 6foot so it is safe
It stunts your growth and it speeds up your heart rate.
Try to give them milk.
Lol i love that comment Barb S made "give them milk". I don't why I found it so funny but it's true.
If it's decaf coffee, then it's all right. But if it's regular, drinking it once in a while is ok, but drinking too much can cause your heart to beat too fast. Drink decaf and you should be fine.
It's one of my favorite vegetables !
i've been drinking coffee since i was 4 years old (my mama said it actually calmed me down)..and i'm perfectly fine...
Blah blah Blah milk Growth Applesauce ! drink what you want i do !
No Drink milk is better for you. I never drink coffee when i was 13.