RedBull And Energy Drinks Are Bad????!
Answers: I have a good friend who drinks 3 energy drinks a day. Redbull, Monster, Rockstar, she's had it. When she drinks this stuffs she almost acts drunk and she embarasses herself. Its also against school policy but she doesnt know it. It also makes her breath smell teribble. And its bad for your health right? Me and my friends are trying to get her to stop. If you have any suggestions or articles about energy drinks that you might suggest please post.
She is just acting silly. If she really drinks that much then they will not have that strong an affect on her after a while. I drink 2 sometimes 3 monsters a day, and they do not have that affect on me.
It sounds stupid that she would purposely act that way but young girls do stupid things for attention. For some people negative attention is better than no attention at all.
I was told to always check the contents of energy drinks,
they contain alot of caffeine and other substances. I was also told they can do damage to the heart, if used too often.
It seems like a lot of people who use drugs like these drinks. I have a cousin who I know does drugs and he is always buying these drinks. I think it gives him a feeling like drugs do. I think a person should have to be 18 to buy these. They could not be good for your health! Your friend should stop before something bad happens to her. That is not good.