Regular Coffee? Expresso? Cappuccino? Or Latte? What's your favorite?!

Question: Well, before I was enlightened, I used to prefer the Frappacinno's from Starbucks. No, I don't mean the bottled ones. They were very good, but too expensive. I will probablly change preferences in a few days, but as of right now, I prefer regular coffee with flavored creamer.

Answers: Well, before I was enlightened, I used to prefer the Frappacinno's from Starbucks. No, I don't mean the bottled ones. They were very good, but too expensive. I will probablly change preferences in a few days, but as of right now, I prefer regular coffee with flavored creamer.

Caramel Macchiato

but I drink it all, mostly black coffee!

Plain old regular for me - but them Coolattas are pretty tasty.

Fresh coffee, Iced.


ice coffee with milk and sugar

All of the above.

a Cappuccino please



Expresso has too much caffeine in it for me.

I love what we have here in Canada - It's a flavour - Reg. Coffee called "Caramelo" at The Second Cup.
Often, at most coffee shops, they have flavour shots, and
I'll ask them to put a shot of caramel in. yum.

Other than that, I absolutely love.. Especially in the summer -
Iced Capp.'s! :)

Regular coffee with cream and sugar. Whatever I do not drink in the morning, I put in the fridge. After work, I make myself an iced coffee or throw it in the magic bullet and make a frozen coffee. Like to try something new once in a while at the coffee shops. But not hooked on any one item. Lots of calories and lots of money.

chai latte

Flavored Coffees are by far the most amazing invention on this planet!

I don't like regular coffee much but do like all the others, now here is one thing I didn't know and bet not a lot a people do either, decaf coffee doesn't actually mean it doesn't have caffeine in it, it just has less than regular, did you know that? I didn't! But I always wondered how they got the caffeine out though! Lol

I Iike my coffee strong, not bitter but strong, and black so I put a shot of Expresso in every cup and I like foam from the expresso machine on top.

a skinny caramel latte...mmmm yummy:)

Regular coffee for when I have to cough
Espresso when I want to "espress" something
Cappuccino for when I wear caps
Lattes when I want a "latte" ( lot of) fun
What's my fave? Starbucks frappuccino under the stars!

Sorry, I know that wasn't really funny, but could not resist. Plus, frappuccino is the only coffee I can drink without it messing with my stomach!

It's ESpresso, not EXpresso.

If you truly like coffee, at least learn how to spell it.

My regular coffee IS espresso! When I'm not too lazy, I'll also make lattes (think I'll make one now:) .... I also like Iced Lattes, when it's hot out..... For "regular" coffee, I like French roasted beans, very strong, black , no sugar....

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