Starbucks Know It All's - can you order this drink?!

Question: I like coffee drinks (new obsession) but I'm totally in the dark on how to order, it's seriously a bit overwhelming! A friend ordered a tall half-caf skinny vanilla latte on ice - I was so confused!!!

I like caffeinated....iced....lowfat...sugary/f... (tho I could go less on the sugar for the sake of lowfat).

I know that must decribe several drinks - could you tell me one & describe what the heck it is??

Answers: I like coffee drinks (new obsession) but I'm totally in the dark on how to order, it's seriously a bit overwhelming! A friend ordered a tall half-caf skinny vanilla latte on ice - I was so confused!!!

I like caffeinated....iced....lowfat...sugary/f... (tho I could go less on the sugar for the sake of lowfat).

I know that must decribe several drinks - could you tell me one & describe what the heck it is??

Your friend ordered this:
Tall-12 oz
1/2 Caf- half the caffeine. if she wanted it fully caffeinated, she wouldn't say anything at all
skinny vanilla--non fat milk and sugar free syrup
latte---drink made with espresso and milk
on ice---well, on ice lol.

Say you want to try an Iced Caramel Macchiato (btw, of my favs). For your own preferences, you would want to order it this way:

Size(tall, grande, venti)
Caramel Macchiato

If you want, you could say you would like it made with sugar-free syrup....although, be warned....sugar free tends to leave a slight aftertaste.
Also, if you are feeling in the mood for extra caffeine, you will want more shots in there.
For drinks(with the exception of frappuccinos), the standard shots goes like this:
If you are fine with how many shots comes in there, don't say anything at all. If you want more(or less) be sure to say you want either a:
Single- which is1 shot
Double-2 shots
Triple-3 shots
Quad-4 shots

If you have any more questions about ordering let me know, or just ask your local barista....we're here to help!

iced caramel macchiato: milk with espresso and caramel on ice my fave

iced mocha: iced milk, coffee, and chocolate

iced latte: milk with coffee-- you can ask for flavors like hazelnut, vanilla, or any of their other syrups

Those are my favorites!

Oh, and the order for starbucks is

decaf -- if not just leave it out
ice -- if not just leave it out
size -- tall (small) grande (medium) venti (large)
other specifics -- lowfat, syrup, soy, etc
drink -- latte, mocha, caramel macchiato, etc.

hope this helps!

Oh, and frappacinos are really good too. They are blended coffee with ice and milk and stuff. I like the mocha ones the best.

I have the exact same problem! I need the same answers! lol I know what I want... A carmel or orange sherbert frappe but then you add all the technical terms and it gets so confusing!! lol

My drink is a Venti (large) Caramel Frappachino with Extra Caramel and Light Whip Cream....

As far as sizes:
Tall (Small)

Starbucks also has little booklets that teaches you Starbucks Lingo Persay....

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