Is it good for us lipton tea?!

Question: do you know? and is sugar better then sweeters????

Answers: do you know? and is sugar better then sweeters????

Lipton tea is good. It's not bad. They only use tea leaves. It's actually better than most teas. It's loaded with antioxidants. Sugar is more pure and better but you should have a limit. Sweeteners suck.

Lipton tea isn't bad for you. It's just tea leaves.
Sugar is more pure than sweeteners. But it's better when used in moderation.

yes. but not in excess. and sugar has more calories, but artificial sweetener is made of saccharin and some people say saccharin causes bladder cancers.

lipton tea has more sugar than others tea, but its a healthier choice than soda, but if you wanna go FULL healthy I recommend organic tea, sugar is healthier than sweetners

Lipton tea has a carcinogenic dye in it (cancer causing). Tea leaves by themselves take a while to color the water, but Lipton shows color as soon as you put the bag in the water.

yes lipton tea is good for us. And sugar is better than sweeteners.

don't drink or consume too much sweet stuff. you will be fine.

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