Starbucks skinny?!

Question: I quite fancy a iced grande decaf vanilla latte, but i'm trying to watch my weight at the moment, and i've heard of having lattes skinny. What does skinny actually mean and where abouts do i put the word skinny in my order so the barista doesn't mess it up? (the people in starbucks round here are idiots lol)

Answers: I quite fancy a iced grande decaf vanilla latte, but i'm trying to watch my weight at the moment, and i've heard of having lattes skinny. What does skinny actually mean and where abouts do i put the word skinny in my order so the barista doesn't mess it up? (the people in starbucks round here are idiots lol)

Skinny does not only mean skim milk, it also refers to the syrup.

If you order a skinny vanilla latte you are getting sugar free vanilla syrup, espresso, nonfat milk and of course all the skinny drinks do not come with any whip cream.

If you would like to order your drink skinny, ask for a iced decaf grande skinny vanilla latte. That's the exact order it should be in.


If you're watching your weight though, I would recommend just asking for a iced decaf grande vanilla nonfat latte becuase the ingredients in all sugar free products (including the syrup) are very controversial. The sugar free vanilla is sweetened with sucralose and apparently sucralose is an "excitotoxin". This means it overexictes your snyapses and can cause serious issues in your body. sucralose is 200 times sweeter than natural sugar. It confuses your body because when your taste buds get a super sweet taste, it preps your body to prepare for a lot of sugar and high insulin. When it receives none, this confuses your body and metabolism which can mess it up...which eventually results in weight management issues. Just take it easy on how many lattes you have, the syrup does not add that many calories. also, interesting fact - splenda (which is sucralose in case you did not know) was recently sued and have changed their slogan, "made from sugar so it tastes like sugar" this was misleading people into thinking it is a natural, healthy/safe product. It is not natural, its chemically made. just thought I'd give ya my two cents in the "skinny" and sugar free matter. =)

i think skinny means they use skim milk (1%)

I am very picky about my weight and I always order a fat-free-sugar-free iced vanillla latte. it's divine and they use fat-free milk and sugar free syrup-give that one a try!!

tell them to use skim milk rather than regular milk or cream
btw to help you with the persons answer above me, skim milk is NOT 1% milk, skim is fat free, 1% milk has half the fat of 2%

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