What's better Pepsi or Coke?!
Answers: Pepsi, coke has an after taste.
I prefer Coke I find Pepsi a little too sweet.
Coke is the best!
coke is better than pepsi but they are about the same.
neither. both are made by the coca cola company which it self is a horrible monopolizing, water stealing comapany. they sell coke in some places of the world for cheaper then water. that's stupid. people cannot survive on coke. and they steal people's water in poor regions of the world and do not manage their use very well.
Diet coke with Vanilla.
Regular pepsi.
But regular classic coke when I have a wicked headache
neither because the coca cola company strategy makes me sick
Neither -they are both horrid;liquid sugar & caffine in a can-gut rot or toilet cleaner-yeuk!!!!
PEPSI pepsi has over 50 grams less sugar and 100 less calories. it doesnt taste bad it taste good i already lost 30 pounds drinking it
It depends what your eating with it.
Coke with Chipotle's food.
Pepsi with Pizza.
Best Wishes
I love the bite that Pepsi gives as it is going down.It stays fresh longer after being opened.I drink 5 of them a day.
PEPSI I LOVE PEPSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I enjoy both, but I prefer Coke, It's just not quite as sweet as Pepsi in my opinion.
better for what? I've heard that coke really gets your toilet clean!! REALLY! It's supposed to break down the lime in the water! ... I don't like to drink EITHER of them though....
Both are great but probably coke
Im addicted to it. Coke has like a rusty taste. BLEH
pepsi! i find coke has too many bubbles haha
Coke is less sweet but creates more burps than pepsi
pepsi is sweeter sure but doesnt leave you belching in someones face I dont drink them often but when I do I like pepsi
pepsi. pepsi is sweeter.