Am I too old to be drinking chocolate milk?!

Question: I am in my early twenties, I am drinking my second bottle of chocolate milk of the day and I just realized I never see anyone my age drinking it.

Am I too old?

Answers: I am in my early twenties, I am drinking my second bottle of chocolate milk of the day and I just realized I never see anyone my age drinking it.

Am I too old?


The day I become too old to drink chocolate milk is the day I put a bullet in my brain.

Enjoy it why cant you drink it


NO, chocolate milk forever


You're never too old to enjoy the culmination of cow and cocoa.

i luv chocolate milk... and i will neva stop drinkin it!!

yes you are too old not!!!! you are never to old to drink somrthing maybe to young but not too old

nooo. chocolate milk is the best:]

I love chocolate milk :]

you're never too old it :D

You are never too old to drink chocolate milk! My daddy drinsk it, and he's 42!

No, actually most doctors recommend against anyone under 13 drinking much of it due to the caffiene levels in cocoa.

You are never to old for chocolate milk. Consider yourself unique, because that's what you are. Individuality is awesome to bad there aren't many people out there like you. Enjoy your chocolate milk! you might be surprised at how many people drink chocolate milk.

YOU know what they say (what i say)

No one is ever to old or to young to to do anything they want to plus in law they are human rights my uncle is 30 and he still drinks chocolate milk mind me I'm 15 turning 16 June 24Th and also will still drink the chocolate milky drink!

Only if its harmful to your body in some kind of way. Other than that, to stop doing something that you enjoy just b/c others in your pier group don't, isn't & will never be reason enough to discontinue. Keep being you & never apologize for it. As a matter of fact I'm going to buy some Nestle Quick bofore I get home, turn the phone off, and get in a good hour a Playstation in honor of you. ;-)

Girl, never too soon to be thinking about osteoprosis! I drink chocolate milk and white milk everyday. Tastes yummy and good for me too! Other people look at me funny for it, but that's okay!


hahaha im 22 and i drink choc milk :)
Its for all ages, i drink other stuff too that some people would consider too old like ribenna (spelling?) and those little juice box drinks with the straw i drink that stuff all the time loll, i still have milkshakes and yummy kids yogurt (yogo) which is a brand for kids, but i had it as a kid and still have it, i also still have all the old chocolate i had as a kid i cant help myself loll

You can drink whatever you want to drink. there is no limitation unless your under age. LOL

Honey, you are never to old to drink chocolate milk. The others are not drinking it because they do not know what they are missing. I am older than you and I love it. I still drink Yoohoos. They are great too.

you're never too old to drink chocolate milk, enjoy!!!!
chocolate milk rox

drink it while you're young,, before it goes right to your hips

No you are never to old to drink chocolate milk....if you were drinking out of a bottle or sippy cup then we might have problems!! lol i enjoy some chocolate milk every now and then

It isnt a social drink, it's kinda expensive to share with friends, some people are lactose intolerant, and everyone that can tolerate it, enjoys it. Drink up. If someone teases you about it, they're just jealous. There is NO shame to chocolate milk.

Of course you are not to old! If you had to be a certain age to drink chocolate milk, there would be an age restriction and there is clearly not. you enjoy your chocolate milk! lol

I drink chocolate milk, and MY kids are older than YOU! ... go for it!

No you are not.
There is NO agelimit to drink milk last time I looked.
Why stopped just because you THINK no one else drinks it? You might be surprise how many people drink milk.

Go ahead and drink if you want to . it's good for you.

No one is too old for chocolate milk my mom i in her 30s and she still drinks it

nah not really as Im 18 and still drink the stuff, which in ur case Im assuming to be choc milkshake

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